Saturday, September 24, 2016

Week of September 26th, 2016

This Week in Class... 

Math - We are beginning Chapter 10 this week. We will be learning and practicing telling time. I encourage families to continue working with their children at home with telling time on analog clocks. 

Reading - This week we will work on our final project for our Kevin Henkes author study! We will be doing a Paper Bag Project on the character of Lilly. We will create the bags at school, and next weekend your child will find 10 items at home that represent Lilly to fill their bag. Your child will bring home a rubric for the project this week! 

Writing - We are continuing to master sentence writing. We will also learn the different types of sentences: Statement, Command, Question, and Exclamation. 

Spelling - Homework is sent home on Mondays. Please ensure your child completes 3 different activities throughout the week. Spelling homework is due Friday, on test day! 

Science - This week we will begin looking at different types of clouds. If weather is calm, we will adopt a tree on the playground to watch throughout the year. 

Social Emotional Learning - This year we are using a social emotional learning (SEL) curriculum called "Second Step". We are currently learning and practicing how to "Focus our attention" and "Listen". I encourage families to work with their children at home on listening to one another with eyes on the speaker, ears listening, and asking questions in response. These are HUGE skills for young people and are essential for success in life! :) 

Box Tops: 
Please continue to send in Box Tops for Education! I've had three students bring them in so far! Classes at Ursa Major are working towards collecting 500 Box Tops to earn a popcorn party! :) 

I've had some students bring in different kinds of leaves, and I myself have been on the trails collecting leaves. Please continue to bring in different kinds of leaves. We will have a guest speaker in mid-October who will do fun activities with us using the leaves. Thanks! 

Picture Day This Week!!!
***Wednesday the 28th!!! I sent home orders forms on Friday, or you can order pictures online! :) 

Open House: 
When - This Friday, September 30th, 2016
Time - 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
What - Come in to your child's classroom and see how they spend their time in their learning environment! 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Week of September 19th, 2016

This week in class... 

Math - On Tuesday, we will be taking our first end of chapter test on Chapter One. We will begin Chapter Ten on Wednesday. 

Reading - We will be finishing our Kevin Henkes author study with our last story Chrysanthemum.

Writing - This week we will work on mastering sentence writing. 

Spelling - This will be our second week with spelling. Your child has been placed into 1 of 3 spelling groups based on their spelling inventory from the first week of school. In class, we sort the spelling words based on patterns each day. At home, your child is responsible for doing three activities during the week to practice spelling their words. Homework is due Friday for participation points. Spelling tests are each Friday. 

Science - We will begin our study of weather and clouds. We will learn about temperature. 

Reminder: Reading Logs are due every Monday. Math homework from the previous night is due the following day. 

Box Tops
Please send in Box Tops for Education. You can find them on many food boxes that you might have in your home. The more Box Tops we bring in, the the closer our class will get to earning a reward. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Week of September 5th, 2016

This week in class... 

Math - We will continue practicing strategies for adding. Our first math quiz will be Friday! The quiz will cover rounding, estimating and strategies for adding. 

Reading - We are continuing our author study of Kevin Henkes. We are reading the story Lilly's Big Day this week. 

Writing - We are learning about verbs and adverbs this week. 

Social Studies - We will continue to learn about features on maps and globes and continue a project. 


Your child is bringing home a new reading log today. Your child should be reading 20-30 minutes each night and filling out his/her reading log. Reading logs are due Monday. 

Reminder: If students do not complete math work in class it goes home for homework. Please send the homework back completed the next day. Sometimes the assignment will be given participation points. IF the assignment is more than 1 day late, your child will not receive the points. 

Spelling homework will start next week! Stay tuned! 

Please send healthy snacks with your child. Fruits, veggies, and grains are appropriate. On Tuesdays and Thursdays only the school receives a veggie or fruit snack for every child. I do not provide snack for students that did not bring one. If families would like to donate packaged snacks such a fruits snacks or packaged gold fish, that would be awesome! 

Scholastic News... 
I still have not heard from 7 families about the Scholastic News program for our class. Please return the purple form and fee as soon as possible. If the fee is an issue, some families have paid for extra magazines, so please let me know if that would be helpful. Thanks!